Message FAQ updating etc.
Martin Rowley wrote:
The FAQ (and associated Glossary)
I have today uploaded the latest update to the FAQ & Glossary, and this
message is to announce that this will the last time I shall do so.
I can no longer maintain the FAQ to the standard I would wish for
reasons that I don't want to enlarge upon here. I will keep the various
pages hosted on my site for as long as I maintain the ntl account, but
will not perform any more updates, amendments etc.
In the life-time of this newsgroup (and near 10-year history of the
FAQ), the world of the Internet has changed out of all recognition. In
1996, UK-based web sites that held information, advice etc., on matters
of interest to the 'amateur' weather community were few and far between.
I am sorry to lose your input there and grateful for the feature. I
hope whatever the reason is, that everything will improve. I hope for
the best for you and yours.