Jack ) wrote:
At 0450Z minus 01C
LCRA 280450Z 36001KT 9999 FEW030 M01/M08 Q1022 NOSIG
Now I wonder what does does to the citrus crops?
AAXX 28064
17601 12683 13302 10014 21031 30197 40229 53013 60002 81500 90550
333 21008 34109 70000 81640=
Minimum temperature of -0.8°c recorded last night.
South (Greek) Cyprus)
AAXX 28064
17600 12580 10906 10051 21029 30219 40229 53013 60002 81100
333 10062 20009 31103 50341 55055 70000 81825 92438=
17607 11582 13410 10053 21076 30028 40228 53/// 60004 702// 81500
333 20032 70000 81630=
17609 12582 13403 10059 21073 30225 40229 53011 60002 81800
333 10059 20013 30101 50261 55090 70000 81820=
North (Turkish occupied) Cyprus
AAXX 28064
17500 12560 11204 11002 21055 30173 40235 52006 60002 81100
333 21026 31009 50290 55040 81830=
17510 12960 00218 10085 21021 30212 40222 52009 60002
333 20060 30004 50250 55051 92447=
17515 12960 03020 10052 21063 30054 40236 50003 60002
333 20036 30002 50200=
17521 12560 13622 10054 21104 30075 40218 50003 60002 81100
333 20036 30001 50250 55077 81825=
17540 12560 12913 10046 21012 30225 40228 53012 60002 81100
333 20024 30101 50240 81830 92437=
Morphou -2.6°c
All the other locations stayed above freezing.
Keith (Southend)
e-mail: kreh at southendweather dot net