"Bonos Ego" wrote in message
Thanks Paulus,
The word 'Challenge' relates to the challenge of obtaining the raw
data, rather than implying that we have a challenge and responsibility
to reverse global warming.
On the subject of Global Warming, I have an open mind, and I'm
searching for raw data to draw my own conclusions.
I will check out your suggested source above, in the meantime I found
the following site which has already done some of the leg-work for me.
Needless to say, on a global scale the results are less than conclusion
It will be very interesting to see the regional or national "central
temperatures" from around the world tabulated in such a way.
Interesting also that, although the 2006 CET looks like being a new record
and much of Europe and Asia have also seen an exceptionally mild start to
winter, it looks like 2006 will "only" be 6th warmest on record globally -
start of a cooling trend? :-)
Good luck!