On Sat, 30 Dec 2006 09:13:45 -0000, Will Hand wrote:
This one pressed in on the window glass but soon passed.
Our old windows used to move about 1/2" in the middle under the infulence
of the wind. Big bit of glass, 4' sq, single glazed, rather un-nerving to
watch, ones perception of glass is not one of it bending and flexing...
Even the new plastic double glazed windows move a bit (1/4") under the
stronger gusts (50mph+). These are 4-20-4 units with glazing bars inside
the unit and two units per window each about 4' x 2'6". So not exactly
the most flexable bits of glass...
Total rainfall for event (since 0200 on 29th) was a whopping 91.1 mm.
21mm yesterday and 17mm clicked up today (so far). Yesterdays figure is
probably low as during the peak of the wind at midday it was lashing down
but nothing clicked up... Belted it down after 2000 but nothing really
showing in temp, baro or wind.
No sudden temperature drop at front or rain increase, just a gusty
period and that was it.
Nothing particular here either, slight step at midnight and another at
0130, the wind had dropped away to F3 by 0200. Since midnight there has
been steady on/off rain (if that makes sense).
No sign as at 1600 of the next thrashing.
Dave. pam is missing e-mail