Belfast Tornado
"Will Hand" wrote in message
First time I've seen it in public print.
IIRC I have seen it on the website before, but admittedly it's quite rare.
Often helps if you get reports which allow preliminary ideas to be firmed up
and on occasion tied to specific features. As an aside I trended one at
Heathrow in 2000 when I'd had two independent reports of a funnel cloud
which could be linked to a specific cell identifiable on high resolution
radar and was heading for the airfield. The Heathrow observer mentioned
mention "menacing fingers of cloud" but no funnel cloud (FC) /tornado. Also
nearly put FC on the low-level European sig. weather chart about a month ago
but in the end settled for squalls. IIRC a tornado was subdequently reported
near Cheltenham.
Also, good to see 'real time' commentary now being added to the site,
presumably form the Nowcasting bench.
Expect to see more of this in the future and hopefully more information that
will appeal to this ng.
Jon? How are my tornado predictors doing?
Haven't got access to them today, Will, but I'd be surprised if they haven't
got hold of something. Will try and find out if I can.