Thomas D. Horne, FF EMT wrote:
Von Fourche wrote:
Ok, last year my family got one of my brothers a La Crosse weather
station for around $80.00 He really enjoys it. This year we got another of
my brothers the same weather station.
Well, while picking up the weather station for my brother this year I
bought myself a ten dollar La Crosse weather gauge that has a sensor that
goes outside and tells you inside and outside temperature. I love this
little cheap thing.
So now, some time in the spring I want to get a more expensive weather
station for myself. Price from $150 to $300 to possibly $500
I want something that shows inside and outside temperature, wind speed
and direction, rain gauge, humidity, and everything else that is or is not
important. I've seen some on the La Crosse website from around $150 to
$350. Are these any good or junk? What are the good weather stations?
I live in the mid-west, so the outside equipment will have to be able to
take all types of weather - freezing cold, hot and humid, rain, icy weather,
snow, etc...
Also, I want to be able to do download the data to a computer.
I'm interested also. Can anyone provide any guidance on how high an
anemometer needs to be above the local obstructions in order to get a
valid wind speed reading. The ones at the forest fire stations I served
in in my youth were quite high to get them above the local trees. I can
put up a radio tower if it's needed but if I can just strap a mast to my
chimney that would be nice. I would guess that it is based on the
distance to the taller object and since my neighborhood has mature trees
of nearly eighty feet in height.
I'm going to put up an antenna for my weather radio and it will probably
be a directional model to try to improve the signal to noise ratio. I'm
also studying for my technician class amateur radio license now that I
don't have to get my telegraphy back up to five words per minute in
order to examine. I bring that up in relation to the Skywarn network.
Do any of you know what the standards are for weather equipment for
Skywarn observers.
Here you go:
6E. Sources for advice on setting up a weather station:
In addition to the hints, tips & general advice in the earlier parts of
this section (above), many of the manufacturers in Section 7A will
supply advice on the installation of equipment.
For some basic ideas of how to start-up, see the following sites (I
haven't given the full urls because they keep changing and it is
difficult to remain up-to-date with same):
The Met Office: (follow links for the Education Section .. some very
useful ideas for the hobbyist, and also advice if you want to make
observations to climatological standards.)
and direct to the section relating on advice on weather recording,
reporting etc.,
The Royal Meteorological Society: (follow links for Publications: the
Society encourage meteorology at all levels and publish some leaflets
on weather observing which can be obtained either free, or for a small
[ and don't forget that other national meteorological societies will
have similar information.]
The BBC Weather Centre (follow links for 'Weatherwise' .. or use the
Search engine; a useful site to help the beginner in all aspects of
observing and understanding the weather.)
Don't forget though:
Throwing a large amount of money at the subject won't improve your
Read up on the basics, use your senses to observe the changing
'sky-scape', note the weather (rain, hail, snow etc.), and just get
used to deciding from which direction the wind is coming.
For all of this, you don't need fancy equipment - that can be built up
later. Even then, start in a small way if your budget is limited:
Some thermometers and rain-gauges from garden centres are quite good,
and many department stores and catalogue shops sell 'all-in-one' desk
weather stations which can stimulate interest.
Other suppliers are listed in Section 7A.