Davis Vantage Pro 2 - change over time ?
Thanks for that Will and everyone else - now created a txt file - I
currently have it set to saving every minute, perhaps a change to 10m
maybe more appropriate ?
I think, from recent threads, many people use 10 minutes. I do, and
chose it on the basis that the logger capacity is then about 17 days,
i.e. enough that if Weatherlink goes tits-up as soon as you go off on 2
week holiday, no data would be lost!
Ties in with 10 minute average wind speeds as well.
The barometer is read every 15 minutes regardless of log interval, so
there's a slight argument for 15 min log period, but I still think 10
mins wins.
Data files end up at 377/389K per month, which is manageable.
Weather at Scotton, Knaresborough, North Yorkshire