Sjouke Burry wrote:
I am not saying that there isn't an effect and the one known as the
Coriolis effect doesn't exist, just that it aught to be called
chirality the same way that all the other exhibitions of the effect are
called chirality.
From what I have read - and I am NOT knowledgeable in this - chirality
is not the same as spinning or spinning forces.
Chirality has to do with left- or right-handed things - like screw threads
and isomers of certain chiral molecules - like sucrose, for example.
If you wanna know more, I refer you to a poster on sci.physics, who goes
by the name of "Uncle Al", Dr. Alan M. Schwartz. He is practically
obsessed with the subject and frequently held forth on it when I used
to read that group*. He's an "organiker" (an organic chemist) and he
_really_ knows his stuff.
* Last about 3 or 4 years ago, before the SNR (from kooks) got just so poor
that I could stand it no longer
M.A.Poyser Tel.: 07967 110890
Manchester, U.K.