Chirality. (Who invented that other title I wonder? Some dafty, no doubt.)
On Jan 11, 6:17 am, Sjouke Burry
The loc is short for the thing pulling a train.
First time I've heard it called that. It's a loco, believe me!
The coriolis force only shows when you are moving north/south,
so that the effective distance to the earth rotation axis
changes, moving east/west produces no force.
So several tons moving north at about 100 km/hour gave ~1000
newton force .
(The teacher might have been off a bit in his example)
The Coriolis force acts whatever the direction of movement..
At 100 km/hr the Coriolis force is about 0.003 times the mass, at
latitude 50°.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey