Prolonged showers of rain and sleet.
At 14:00z:-
8/8 Ns, base c.520 metres.
Temperature 2.4°C, no clear trend. Maximum 4.0°C at 07:30z, minimum
1.2°C at 01:00z.
Dew point 2.4°C.
RH 100%.
Wind 3 mph gusting to 9 mph, SE. Max gust 31 mph, SW, at 07:45z.
Barometer 989.5 mb, steady.
Precipitation since 00:00z, 7.8 mm.
Total rainfall this month 253.2 mm.
Total rainfall this year 253.2 mm.
Web cam and weather data on line at:-
Alan White
Twenty-eight miles NW of Glasgow, overlooking Lochs Long and Goil in Argyll, Scotland.
Webcam and weather:-
Some walks and treks:-