Conditions today in and around Bolton town centre at lunchtime
were truely horrendous. My estimate of gusts of around 80mph
seem to correlate well with those recorded in NW England
on Weatheronline. Certainly some of the strongest winds I've
ever personally exprerienced. A wind to take your breath away,
almost impossible to walk against and then knocking you
sideways, the air full of swirling leaves and twigs.
It remains to be seen whether my umbrella is repairable
Bolton town centre was just surreal. The wind howling around
and one of those wheeled bins breaking free and gliding
across the street. At one point I had to return a pushchair
(complete with small child) to it's owner as it too made a bid
for freedom and ran into my path
Fortunately the only damage at home appears to be a small
fence panel down.
What a day!
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl