Heavy wind?
Gianna wrote:
Brian Blair wrote:
I was criticising Radio Scotland and GMTV for the use of the term heavy wind
and heavy gusts yesterday - ie that you can have heavy rain/snow etc but not
heavy wind.Today I thought, what about light wind - that is ok. Am i just a
weather nazi or is heavy wind wrong?
When being struck by such gusts, they do feel heavy (-:
It does sound wrong though, but probably isn't.
Another thought, what will yesterdays storm be called, it cant be just the
18th of jan 2007 storm can it?
You could call it 'storm ten' if it actually was one. Or 'the weather' of
course. I shall call it 'light breeze' as that is all that happened here.
It was nothing out of the ordinary here, just a tyical winter gale. Max
gust of 59mph compares with my January record of 80mph back in Jan '98,
& 66mph on 3rd Dec '06, when there was a good deal of damage & some
exceptionally large seas.
Wooden fence panels are something of a rarity in exposed parts of west
Cornwall for obvious reasons. We have proper Cornish hedges. (some of
the English call them walls) They tend not to blow away.