Darren Prescott wrote:
Here is a summary of the NWP output for 12z on Tuesday.
Issued 0620z, 18th January 2007.
The models show surprising differences as early as T+120, all due to the
handling of the upper block near Iceland. If, as GFS shows, an Omega block
forms then the cold will be prolonged across England and Wales. If, on the
other hand, an Omega fails to materialise then milder air aloft should reach
all areas by the end of the working week.
Weatherlawyer wrote:
3 Jan 13:57 Anticyclonic & foggy.
11 Jan 12:45 Seriously wet.
Not even fleeing silley could fault that one. Odd there was no massive
quake though. No doubt it is in the "pending" files.*
19 Jan 04:01 Seriously wet.
More to come.
25 Jan 23:02 Anticyclonic.
2 Feb 05:45 Anticyclonic & foggy.
*And when it arrives it will be followed by a major Extra Tropical
Your mileage will vary of course but old Mike is on a roll.
I have an idea that the locking Highs are a part of the nature of cold
weather in the poles and that the sort of spell that produces them will
cure the problems there fairly shortly, if they continue.
OTOH of coure there are not that may fine days for us in the next few
days. And that means warm weather. So beware of the change when it does
come. Perhaps the promised snow will be delayed with the due massive
earthquake. I certainly think a degree of uncertainty points toward
what I expect.