Dr. Heidi Cullen wants to save us unlike the global killers.
I've been told by an inside source at TWC that Dr. Heidi Cullen rides
a bike to work on good days and drives an all electric car when it
rains. Don't know that make/model, but she tells people it costed
around $150K. It's sub-compact in size but she says a single charge
will get her about 40 miles of driving range.
The good Dr also has her roof totally covered in solar panels and
produces so much electricity that she has some left over to sell back
to the power company.
Dr. Heidi Cullen doesn't stop there. She also claims to wear some
special garment that collects her flatulence throughout the day. She
then has the gases collected into a container that she sells to some
treatment facility. She is trying to make her "footprint" as small as
Dr. Heidi Cullen spends about 3 hours a day carefully picking through
what garbage can she uses at home. Recycled goods and regular garbage
go into different containers. She has 4 locations around town to visit
each week depending on the types of material she has collected in each
set of bags.
Dr. Heidi Cullen has a closed-loop sewer system because she knows that
medications get into the water these days. She has a small machine
[solar powered of course] that recycles the human waste products in
her home several times until it is nothing but pure water. She claims
this water is so pure that you could drink it and not become sick.
Dr. Heidi Cullen has been known to attack cigarette smokers during
their lunch breaks outside of TWC. She usually gives them a speech
first then pulls out a squirt gun and shoots the cigarettes in each
persons mouth. She is hated by them but they can't say anything about
it because she is so loved by the non-smokers which include her boss
who says smokers are creating more greenhouse gases.
Dr. Heidi Cullen is a vegetarian and cannot stand to see or hear about
people eating meat. She knows the gases the cows let out is a great
problem because of the greenhouse gases it produces. She has been
known to park near pastures and "cull" cows and other beasts so they
cannot continue to destroy the atmosphere.
Dr. Heidi Cullen like most of us believe in the holocaust event by the
Nazi's in world war two. She however has said that she believes 50
million Jews were murdered by Hitler's gang of criminals. She
explains, "6 million is too low of a number..we all know it was likely
50 million, maybe even more!"
Dr. Heidi Cullen studied mystical religions in college while getting
her degrees in Apocalyptic studies. She did this because she thinks
the standard religions promote global warming by almost encouraging
people to burn fossil fuels.
Dr. Heidi Cullen knows of the 0.7C rise in temp over the last century
all to well. She is so certain that she has decided that 0.7 should be
rounded to 1.0, thus she also thinks 1.0C is a more alarming number to
non-scientists like her than the regular Earth hater.
Dr. Heidi Cullen believes that humans likely did cause the previous
SEVEN ice ages. She supposes that past humans built up fossil fuel
burning societies in the past and then destroyed themselves. This
process repeated itself and she believes we are about to repeat this
again. She is doing all she can to stop it from happening again. She
claims to have documents showing the existence of coal-fire plants in
operation as far back as 5 Million B.C.
Dr. Heidi Cullen believes extreme cold weather events are just
anomalies but that week-long heat waves are sign that shows man-made
global warming is happening at a faster rate than ever before. She
says people overreact when they see one month of below normal temps
but under react when they see a couple of above normal temps.
Dr. Heidi Cullen believes the number of and intensity of atlantic
based hurricanes are a signal that man-made global warming is
happening at a faster and faster rate. She understands that the
previous 5-50 Million years of hurricane records are not clear but
knows it is not possible for hurricanes to have occurred this frequent
that far back in time.
Dr. Heidi Cullen understands that the Sun is getting hotter and this
is why she is trying so hard to get people to stop their foolish ways
with fossil fuel burning. She also believes solar flares are caused by
our actions on Earth. The global warming on Mars she says is a warning
we on Earth should heed.
Dr. Heidi Cullen believes understands that a long time ago there were
only a few thousand humans on Earth putting out Co2. She also
understands their are now 6 Billion people. She understands that
adding 6 Billion Co2 producing humans is not the real problem, but
ExxonMobile-types are the real problem. She knows that everything bad
on Earth can be controlled and sometimes stopped altogether. Her dream
is to stop these things.
Dr. Heidi Cullen is a great climate expert. I listen to every word she
says. I read all her collums and blogs. I tape her shows to watch
later if I am not at home. I have a 8x10 photo of her in a golden
frame in a special room of my home where I go to get advice. She is my
screen saver because I do not want to ever forget how important it is
to assume something is true and to also fight for what is right.
We're expecting a baby girl in June. We have decided to name her
"Heidi Cullen Brown" after Dr. Heidi Cullen. We want to be reminded
everyday of the Dr's wisdom and grace.
I would encourage Dr. Heidi Cullen to run for President but I wouldn't
want to take her attention away from her work of preventing people
from dying before than age of 231.
Thank You,
Small Footprint man