Guildford 21/01/07 7:18Z
Wind WNW 7.0kt
Temp 4.4°C
Dewpt 0.5°C
Baro 1010.1mb Rising Slowly
Rain 0.0mm
Min 4.3°C at 6:43Z
Max 7.3°C at 1:24Z
LP 1004.6mb at 1:59Z
HP 1010.1mb at 7:14Z
Strong gusts through the night - but very little precipitation as a low
moved E across N England.
Max 26kts here between 01 & 02Z.
Heathrow - 49kts tops on the METARs
EGLL 210320Z 26032G49KT 9999 -SHRA SCT026 BKN034 06/03 Q1005 BECMG
EGLL 210250Z 25028KT 9999 FEW032 BKN038 07/02 Q1004 TEMPO 26028G40KT SHRA
EGLL 210220Z AUTO 25028G42KT 9999 FEW033/// BKN037/// 07/02 Q1004
EGLL 210150Z AUTO 24023KT 9999 FEW033/// 08/02 Q1004
wouldnt be surprised if some more trees were down in the locality weakened
after Thursday.