Brian Wakem wrote:
Phil Layton wrote:
Guildford 23/01/07 21:33Z
Wind NW 1.7kt
Temp -1.7°C
Dewpt -3.9°C
Baro 1016.5mb Falling Slowly
Rain 0.0mm
Min -1.7°C at 21:27Z
Max 3.1°C at 14:26Z
Its official! Coldest night of the year at -1.7c beating -1.6c on the
I've had second hand reports of snow in Surrey including some heavy snow
at J8/9 this am, but I've not seen anything yet!
Maybe tomorrow.
I had about 3 dozen snow flakes on my car roof when I went out this
morning. They were actually quite big, but so few of them.
(Fleet, Hampshire)
-3.7C currently here BTW, up from -4.0C at about 22:00
Brian Wakem