Snowy Weather
In on Tue, 23 Jan 2007, Steven Briggs
wrote :
This morning driving along the A64 it was snowing just to the east of
York, with a covering around Malton area. Scarborough just had about
1/4" of hail lying when I arrived about 8:20. Coming home tonight,
Malton again was the worst hit place, with almost 100% coverage, so
1-2" at a guess.
Snowing now (2045) at Knaresborough and lying. 0.5C, DP -2.
Just looked at the GFS, doesn't look very promising does it?. It'll all
be over by Thursday/Friday, with 552dam toppling round that high.
First snow here overnight - just a light dusting though.
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham (change 'invalid83261' to 'blueyonder' to email me)