"Robb C. Overfield" wrote in message
.. .
On a tatty piece of sub-ether Lawrence Jenkins at
I heard the BBC news weather forecast around 18:30 this
(was in another room) There were dire warnings of heavy snow for London
the SE of England, why it was even suggested that the Spurs Arsenal game
could be affected. What a load of old tripe! I'm sitting here typing at
12:10 am the sky's over Sydenham SE London have been clear all night.
People criticise the outrageous forecast of Weather Action, well the
BBC'UKMO are an absolute disgrace. My mother said earlier
"Awwl how am I going to get out tomorrow with all this heavy snow that's
been forecast" Don't worry Mum it's the BBC/UKMO talking out of their
Government infested backsides again.
Of course there will be no apology for this ****e forecast. I would
they keep their mealy mouthed,fear of pension loss, mouths shut, than
regurgitate this crap year after year. No doubt Patricia Hewitt and her
cronies who now boss UKMO and the BBC around, will claim how fantastic
NHS has been during the coldest winter since the big bang. It is pathetic
and the BBC/UKMO crew should be thoroughly ashamed for coming out yet
with patently over hyped Boll&*ks.
I'm fed up being told lies.
You must be tired of life then. If you're sick of being told lies, opt
out of life cos we get told lies every second of the day, no matter who
you talk to. Bye-bye Laurence... 
But seeing as you know so much about forecasting, I'm sure Will would only
be too delighted for you to help.
Typical British man of a certain age, always complaining. You remind me
of that character from the Goon Show, Willum Mate. He was always
comaplining too! 
Rob C. Overfield
Thanks for those kind words Rab.
In all seriousness it would seem that simple forecasting is now
choreographed -just witness the weather girls on BBC weather always staging
a severe scene, emphasising it with scarves , gloves, woolly hats and boots.
It would be far more exciting if they presented the forecast with no clothes
Take Carol Driftwood this morning , she must have searched high and bloody
low to find somewhere in Kent to broadcast whilst sparse flakes of sleet
settled on the wet slush that surrounded her. According to her over excited
little colleague the evening before there should have been snow a plenty in
the whole of the SE corner including London. It's typical of everything
nowadays overdressed, overhyped, overpackaged, over the top and worse of all
overfield-Rab that is.
Still say she should have done it nude.