On 27 Jan, 11:05, "Jeremy Pinwhistle" wrote:
I need to check on the average wind speed over say 6months on a piece of
land I intend building on, with a view to maybe installing a wind turbine
for electricity.
I have searched the web for hours, but cannot find many that work remotely.
I need to fix it onto a post and will have no mains power available.
Suggestion: why don't you buy a cup-counter anemometer? These are
purely mechanical instruments (need no power), and indicate the 'run
of wind' in the same way as a car odometer. You could then work out
the average wind speed over any period between readings - an hour
apart or a month apart - by simply noting the anemometer display and
subtracting the previous reading from it, then dividing by the number
of hours between readings.
They have rather gone out of fashion these days. There was one going
on e-bay a few days ago for £200; I'm sure Casella's will still sell
you one. A sturdy mast to expose it at the height of your planned
turbine - job done. You'd probably even find a willing buyer on e-bay
for a 6 month old anemometer afterwards.
Stephen Burt
Stratfield Mortimer