UKMO seasonal temperature map
"Will Hand" wrote in message
Well up here on Dartmoor we seem to have
Winter Dec 20th to Mar 15th
Spring Mar 15th to July 1st
Summer July 1st to Oct 1st
Autumn Oct 1st to Dec 20th
February is definitely mid-winter judging by my records for past 4 years
summer never really gets going till August and autumn can last well into
Interesting stuff, perhaps we need some agreed objective criteria?
I used number of days of snow lying (50% cover) for winter and days with
over 21C for summer.
(Days snow falling (not including sleet) works as well, my average is 7.3
Others may wish to use 25C for their location in summer and perhaps number
frosts for winter.
Will (Haytor, Devon, 1017 feet asl)
"BlueLightning" wrote in message
On the subject of seasonal.
My proposal is: three seasons of the year
Spring: March to May
Summer: June to October
Autumn: November to February
The Summer season has extended in length. (Just take a look at recent
September's, to see that September should definatly be a summer month)
With the extention of the Summer season.. the Autumn season begins
The now extinct 'Winter' season has been squeezed out.
Gradually rising temperatures are certainly not helping to keep
'Winter' alive either
Is it time to face the music? and admit that the Uk 'Winter' season is
in serious trouble, and could soon be on life-support?
March has definitely been winter here for the last 2 years. 2005 5 days snow
cover, 2006 12 days.
When in Penistone, winter always lasted from November through March and
possibly first 2 weeks of April also.
Spring there was mid April to June. Summer July/August. Autumn,
David Mitchell, 70m amsl, Langtoft, East Riding of Yorkshire.