A miserable day with continuous drizzle, overcast and poor visibility.
Relatively warm, though.
At 18:00z:-
8/8 St/Sc
Temperature 10.7°C. Maximum 11.3°C at 07:30.
Dew point 10.7°C.
RH 100%.
Wind 7 mph gusting to 17 mph, NW. Max gust 48 mph, NW, at 06:45z.
Barometer 1019.8 mb, rising.
Precipitation since 00:00z, 4.4 mm.
Total rainfall this month 330.8 mm.
Total rainfall this year 330.8 mm.
Web cam and weather data on line at:-
Alan White
Twenty-eight miles NW of Glasgow, overlooking Lochs Long and Goil in Argyll, Scotland.
Webcam and weather:-