On 4 Feb 2007 04:44:51 -0800, "Weatherlawyer"
On Feb 4, 10:13?am, "Phil Layton" wrote:
EGLL 040950Z VRB03KT 0300 R09L/0550 R09R/0400 FG VV/// 02/00 Q1033 TEMPO
0800 BKN002
EGLL 040920Z 09003KT 6000 FEW002 02/M00 Q1034 BECMG 4000 BR BKN004
EGLL 040850Z VRB02KT 8000 NSC 01/M01 Q1034 TEMPO 4000 BR BKN005
One of those days when the fog comes when everybody thinks it won't!
Well forecasted on the KK/SS TAFs - LL nearly!
Hit this link when you see a warning of fog or experience it yourself:
Note to self:
Get database so other will know what I am talking about.
You certainly know how to make a database feel inadequate !