Dudley Schools - Closed already!
Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Feb 8, 12:42 am, "Dave Liquorice" wrote:
On Wed, 7 Feb2007 23:38:03 -0000, Will Hand wrote:
Circa 5cm maybe? That should never be enough to close a school IMHO.
Somebody is panicking I suspect?
Aye, about the possibility of being sued if Little Johnny falls while
playing on the 20yard long slide made on the play ground.
OTOH, what is the point of having a multi million pound forecasting
ability if no one is going to use it?
I should have thought the best use one could make of such information
as was available to a sophisticated country was to tell parents to
make other plans to look after their children than pretend to assume
the mundane.
After some 20 or 30 years of very little snow in this country, I know
if I had children I should like to be at home with them whilst they
sample a singularly important phenomena such as their first snow fall.
And what about the parents? If schools are closed prematurely and snow
doesn't cause gridlock, how many employers are going to allow an 'emergency'
day off to look after the kids?