[WR] Romsey - snow depth 2cm
Deepest snow (but still less than an inch!) since 27 Feb 2004.
Currently, we have a complete cover of wet snow of 2cm depth.
Present weather conditions a
SYNOP 08/0750Z
03/// 41258 81502 10006 20001 49840 55005 76872 885//
333 43002 81704 86708 88620=
EG// 080750Z 15002KT 8000 -RASN FEW004 BKN008
OVC020 01/00 Q//// GRN=
wind... SE by S, force 1.
visibility... 8km.
weather... slight sleet.
clouds... patches ST at 400ft, large areas ST base 800ft,
overcast SC base 2000ft.
air temp... +0.6C.
dewpoint... +0.1C.
RH... 96%.
sea level pressure... 984mb (was falling, now rising).
rainfall last hour... 0.1mm.
rainfall equivalent since 2100Z yesterday... 4.2mm.
RMK... slight thaw has commenced.
beaufort letters (0650-0750Z)... cso,c,croso.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)