Aberdeenshire snow
Graeme Whipps wrote:
Current snow depth at Chapel Of Garioch (160M, 5 miles west of Inverurie)
9cm, lying snow for 4 days now, with some melting by day.
I have had to negotiate snow covered roads every morning this week, with the
main trunk road (A96) to Aberdeen snow covered during heavy showers on
Tuesday and Today ( took 1 1/2 hours to get to Aberdeen this morning).
Plenty of showers tonight so I wouldn't be surprised to wake up to another
5-8 cm by the morning.
Not much mention of snow in northern Scotland on the news, and barely
mentioned in the national forecast.
The degree of weather newsworthiness is inversely proportional to the
distance from London - any fule know that...
The world north of a line from the Mersey to the Wash is largely
inhabited by magical creatures and a clime of "Grate colde..." not
worthy of mention in todays media.