This is just to alert members of the RMetS who are near to London next
Wednesday - and available - that a trio of attractions is planned. It starts
with the Presidential Address at 2pm., an AGM later on (at 4 if memory is
correct) and at 6pm. a FREE reception with drinks in London Zoo at which the
awards and prizes for the year are to be presented. I believe that it is not
compulsory to do the first 2 in order to attend the reception. You do, however,
have to obtain a ticket for entry - the Society still still has some available
and they can be reserved by e-mailing the Society (soon!). Full details can be
found at
click on the central panel on the homepage labelled something like 'come
celebrate with us'. Reserved tickets can be collected on the day.
Julian Mayes, West Molesey, Surrey.