Despite continuous, and occasionally moderate snow for the last 6
hours, the measured snow depth has decreased from 11 cm to 10 cm. It
looks as though the combination of slow melting on the top as the
temperature rose from 0.3 C to 0.9 C , and the weight of relatively
wet flakes, has compressed the light fluffy snow that accumulated
during yesterday.
Charlbury Oxon Cotswolds 121 M (398 feet) amsl.
same here, very heavy snow, all roads affected, gritters out but no affect.
M42 chaos with Spring Fair on (sic)
just back from Tescos and the dreaded Honda Civics are out doing 5-10 mph,
having said that any more of this and that might be a fair speed.
back garden view at 1615hr
OT bit in Times today about actor called Jones selling his house in
John T
126m asl.