Schools and the weather
"Alan White" wrote in message
On Sat, 10 Feb 2007 11:21:19 -0600, David Buttery
When I first went to school (in 1980) the *vast* majority of pupils
walked, and most of those walked unaccompanied by their parents. My
family had one car, and my dad used it to go to work, so I got a lift
only very rarely (even in 1981-2!). In larger towns, fewer families had
cars at all, and almost everyone got a bus to school.
The school I attended from 1948 to 1953 was just over a mile from home.
There was no public transport, no school bus, my parents had no car and
so I walked. When I learnt to ride a bike (I was a late developer), I
cycled. Bad weather never closed the school.
Bike, you had a bike, you were lucky, when I was a lad ...