Schools and the weather
"Col" wrote in message
"Steve Wolstenholme" wrote in message
On Sat, 10 Feb 2007 11:21:19 -0600, David Buttery
When I first went to school (in 1980) the *vast* majority of pupils
walked, and most of those walked unaccompanied by their parents. My
family had one car, and my dad used it to go to work, so I got a lift
only very rarely (even in 1981-2!). In larger towns, fewer families had
cars at all, and almost everyone got a bus to school.
I'm a lot older than you but I still remember my first day at school
in 1952. At four years old I was considered old enough to walk the
half mile. No families had cars, there was no school bus, nobody was
driven to school and even the kids who lived two miles from school
walked all the way. Only wimps turned up with a parent. The weather
didn't make much difference. If we were snowed in and had to dig our
way out we were late! One day I remember we could walk to school in a
straight line because everything was frozen, including the lake. Some
people just don't believe me when I talk about the winters we had in
those days.
Can you imagine that now, children being allowed to walk
to school across a frozen lake?
No, as it is a bloody stupid thing to do.