Teignmouth 24hrs to 18:00 GMT 12-Feb-07 (30 mtrs asl)
AM: Showers PM: Showers
Max +10.6c
Min +7.2c
Wind (Exeter) @ 18:00 GMT = W, 20 mph
Bar 00:00 GMT = 987 mb
Bar 06:00 GMT = 980 mb
Bar 12:00 GMT = 988 mb
Bar 18:00 GMT = 998 mb
Average Air Pressure - Past 28 Day Moving Average = 1015.9
Average Temp - Past 28 Day Moving Average = 7.2
Average Air Pressure - This Winter (Dec06-Feb07) = 1017.6
Average Temp - This Winter (Dec06-Feb07) = 8.1
Average Air Pressure - Annual = 1014.4mb 0.1mb
Average Temp - Annual = 12.3c
Official Long Term Average 1971-2000 = 11.0c
Today's METAR's @ Exeter Airport 24hrs to 18:00 GMT
Today's Satellite Image:
Synoptic Chart @ 00:00 GMT:
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500 hPa Geopotential: