"leszekkorpus" wrote in message
Thanks for all answers.
Can I get this copy (Third (International) edition, published in 1977
John Murray.)
because in web site http://www.amazon.co.uk/ ( Meteorology for Glider
Pilots) I can get old issue - 1961. What is difference between
with 1977 and 1961?
.... I'll let others comment upon your specific question: the only thing
I would say is don't be put off necessarily because a book is 'old'; it
doesn't mean it is 'out of date' (that is, "of no use"). Many of the
basic principles of thermal forecasting, lee-wave generation etc., were
in place long before 1961 (indeed I'm re-reading a book published in
1943 which fully (and accurately) covers such subjects), and although it
is true that the science has been highly refined over the past 40-odd
years, the basics will be covered in the 1961 version: my approach would
be to take that (what we call in this country a 'Bird in the hand'
approach), and then in slow-time hunt for later versions etc.
Have a look at the British Gliding Association web site, specifically
the section relating to books:-
Although they haven't got the book you are looking for, they have
others. I can't say what arrangements they have for posting overseas,
but I'm sure that would not be a major problem (and in any case, if it
really is, I'm sure we in this newsgroup could help you get around any
such problems).
And, they may be able to advise on how to get hold of second-hand copies
of the publications you are looking for.
Good Luck.
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