Will!, whether it's a week ahead or further ahead, it's still hard work as you
say. I'm also interested in the week-ahead forecast to see which important
factors in the weather you have considered. So, Will, I'm a regular viewer of
your postings and file them away each week. Keep it up Will.
Cheers, Keith
Will schrieb:
Simon S wrote in message ...
Mild temperatures at first caused by SW winds last up to about 23rd then
temperatures start to cool off on 24th to reach their lowest about 27th
and 28th. This is caused by cool Atlantic air coming into the country
behind a depression to the W and NW of Scotland. After that,
temperatures begin to rise to reach a high on 30th.
I now have lost faith in your forecast as you seem to think mid to
high 20's or even low 30's is "MILD". If you ate a strong curry would
you call that "Mild".
I find a week ahead challenging enough, some seem to have no trouble weeks and
months ahead :-(
" Kick out the beancounters, vote Womble :-) "
A COL BH site in East Dartmoor at Haytor, Devon 310m asl (1017 feet).
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