February 2006
Overall Monthly Mean 5.9 (+1.8)
Mean max 8.8 (+2.0)
Mean min 3.1 (+1.6)
Precipitation 85.0mm (214%)
Sunshine 78.7hrs (114%)
Days of
Air frost 7, ground frost 8, snow falling 2, snow cover(at 0900) 2, max snow
depth 11cm (greatest depth here since 13/2/1991), fog at 0900 6
Second wettest February since records began here in 1979. Warmest February
since 2002, nevertheless minimum temperature of -5.3 on 7th was lowest for
February since 11/2/1991. High incidence of poor visibility at 0900
represents frequent low cloud rather than radiation fog.
Winter 2006/2007
Season Mean 6.4 (+2.0)
Mean max 9.0 (+2.2)
Mean min 3.8 (+1.9)
Precipitation 214.7mm (134%)
Sunshine 199.1hrs (120%)
Three short wintry spells, one with persistent fog and rime just before
Christmas and the others with snow in late January and early February
Second warmest winter on record here, after 1989/90
All the best
George in Epping, West Essex (107m asl)