2007 - drabbest start to the year for a long while?
wrote in message
In a memory stretching back to the early eighties, can't recall a year
- before now - when all of January, February and March have been both
wetter than average and lacking sustained periods of either cold, or
spring-like dry warmth. Normally at least one of the first three
months of the year is dry and pleasant but this year, unless the long-
term forecasts change (and, given a week ago we were promised an
anticyclonic spell for next week, that's a possibility) it would
appear not to be the case.
It has to be said that at the moment, whilst the temperatures are not
low enough, and the day length is too long for it to seem like winter,
it doesn't feel much like spring either... It may have been a mild
winter but if you define spring as bright, settled conditions with low
humidity, it's a late spring too.
When was the last time, I wonder, when none of the first three months
of the year were drier than average?
Around here when the sun is out, like it was this morning it can feel very
spring like, even if the actual temperature is not that high. I agree that
it does seem to have been wet and the forecast looks like low after low
zipping through so another wet week ahead. At least the water companies
won't be complaining.
BTW it is a bit early to write March off yet seeing as we are only three
days into the month.