Where did you all get you Climatology degrees?
On 2 Mar 2007 05:41:54 -0800, "
On Mar 1, 10:36 pm, Bob Brown . wrote:
I got my degree in Climatology by reading Liberal left-leaning
Environmentalist websites and publications. I have seen the light.
Yes, those gases trapped in pack ice certainly have liberal biases!
I may build a windmill on my property. I will barely fit and may
violate zoning laws. It's going to cost so much I may need a 2nd
mortgage on the property. This will save me about $200 per year. But
the best part is I can beat my chest knowing I am fighting global
It's your choice how to invest your money. It's not up to
government nor society to stop you from doing something, as long
as it harms nobody else.
Destroying jobs isn't "harm"?