Maplins Wireless Rain Gauge
In on Sat, 3 Mar 2007, Hugh Jampton
wrote :
I got one of these merely so I could check intermediate rainfall totals
without having to go out & get wet.
I've noticed that it seems to under-read, especially for low rainfall
totals, and I had to change the clock, otherwise the daily totals reset
at midnight.
I've had one of those for a couple of months. I also get the feeling that
it under-reads but have had nothing to compare it with.
Fortunately I have a standard copper rain gauge for comparison.
It also does funny
things - it added last night's rain total (early hours of today) to it's
weekly total but it's day's total (today) remains at zero.
Yes, it has a tendency to such oddities.
Also, since it only tips in 1mm increments, it obviously won't record
anything less than that.
Never mind - I got a Davis Vantage Pro 2 a couple of days ago :-) I'll
leave the Maplins rain gauge running and compare the 2 rain readings when
we next get rain. Will post the results.
March will be the first full month for comparison, so I'll see how it
Paul Hyett, Cheltenham (change 'invalid83261' to 'blueyonder' to email me)