[OBS] Romsey - Sunday 4th March 2007
SYNOP 04/1050Z
03/// 41340 81415 10084 20075 40065 57040 76566 8672/
333 83707 85710 88530 90710 91126=
SYNOP 04/1450Z
03/// 41257 81617 10103 20095 40020 57035 76366 887//
333 81705 85707 88710 91025 90710 91128=
SYNOP 04/1750Z
03/// 11357 82016 10111 20099 40000 56020 60192 76366
8752/ 333 10113 82708 86615 88540 90710 91128=
EG// 041750Z 20016KT 7000 RA FEW008 BKN015
OVC040 11/10 Q//// RERA WHT=
wind... SSW, force 5.
visibility... 7km.
weather... moderate rain with a recent heavy burst.
clouds... 2/8 ST base 800ft, 6/8 SC base 1500ft,
8/8 NS base 4000ft.
dry bulb... +11.1C.
dewpoint... +9.9C.
RH... 92%.
sea level pressure... 1000.0mb (steady after falling).
rainfall last hour... 1.8mm.
rainfall since 0900Z... 18.8mm.
rainfall since 0600Z... 19.3mm.
max temp today... +11.3C.
RMK... rainfall intensity fluctuating more in the last hour
compared to the steady, moderate rain which
has been the feature of today, here.
beaufort letters (1650-1750Z)... cro,cR,cr.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)