Don't forget tonight - The Great Global Warming Swindle
On Mar 9, 8:59 am, Bob Martin wrote:
in 221754 20070308 231307 Simon Wyndham wrote:
Bonos Ego wrote:
Just finished watching the programme, one word Brilliant.
Yes it was. Just a shame that the global warming brigade are so powerful
that nobody will take any notice of it.
Perhaps, but it takes a special kind of naivety (or worse) to think that we can
go on pumping millions of tons of crap into our atmosphere without any
detrimental effects.
Isn't a 'bob martins' a vitamin tablet for dogs? Hmm maybe humans
aren't so bad after all.
Why do you think humans "go on pumping millions of tons of crap into
our atmosphere " ? It's called suvival dear boy. Why don't you ffff
off and live in the dark ages