Don't forget tonight - The Great Global Warming Swindle
On Mar 10, 10:12 am, "Bonos Ego" wrote:
On Mar 9, 7:59 am, Bob Martin wrote:
Perhaps, but it takes a special kind of naivety (or worse) to think that we can
go on pumping millions of tons of crap into our atmosphere without any
detrimental effects.
Wow, hang on a minute!
I never said that we should carry on pumping pollutants into the
atmosphere, I think I have been very much misunderstood.
You nailed your colours to the mast by declaring this pack of half-
truths and downright lies to be "brilliant". And again below.
In saying brilliant, I'm saying at last there is some counter balance
against the global warming brigade, which appears to have been
hijacked by politicians as a means for not letting 2nd / 3rd World
countries develop, which I find repugnant.
Is it right that we should deny someone in Africa electricity, and
their industrial revolution, when we have already had ours?
Leap frogging to use new low energy technologies is more like it.
China is actually an unsung hero in terms of low energy CFL production
and internal use for instance.
As the programme pointed out, CO2 is naturally occurring, and appears
to lag rather than lead global warming, with our Sun being the main
reason for climate change.
So is C02 really a pollutant, an innocent gas which has been sent to
prison for a crime it did not commit?
They would be well pleased that you have swallowed this misleading
message hook line and sinker.
What they showed was a TRUE statement. But it is only half the story.
If the Earth warms from a brighter sun then after a delay more CO2
comes out of the oceans.
but also
If the Earth warms from higher greenhouse gas concentrations then
after a delay more CO2 comes out of the oceans.
ie Positive feedback.
This is bad news! Warming oceans are less effective as carbon sinks.
It cuts both ways.
We can rule out a brighter sun being entirely responsible for the last
few decades of warming because there is continuous radiometric
monitoring of the sun from satellites. This prevents handwaving
explanations that blame the sun. The sun getting brighter is
responsible for about half the observed warming over the past century.
And greenhouse forcing looks like it contributed a similar amount of
warming in the past 3-4 decades. See eg ADS abstracts Baliunas &
Soon. .
They also quietly ignored the inconvenient fact that the rising CO2
level in the atmosphere is accompanied by a change in the isotope
ratios consistent with our burning fossil fuels. The excess CO2 is not
from natural oceanic sources. And the atmospheric CO2 level is still
climbing rapidly.
To recap: the science is now very clear AGW is real and significant.
What we do about it is another matter.
At a minimum it is time to start with all practical no-regrets energy
efficiency measures.
Martin Brown