A sense of perspective on Global warming, hopefully!
On 13 Mar, 18:16, "Steve J" wrote:
Personally, I'm getting sick to death of GW on TV and in the press,...snip
So too am I. It's become like a worn out gramophone record and if it
keeps being replayed, in the end, no-one will bother to listen any
Now what would encourage me to use less electricity would be
information just how much that TV on standby (for example) is actually
using. It cannot be difficult to devise a "master panel" that can be
fitted into home circuits so you can see just what each appliance/
light, etc is using. Once we see the cost of our "toys" then we might
take some action. But as it is, we haven't a clue and frankly, there
is a temptation not to be bothered.