You are correct in your statement that global warming is for real, but I
feel that our government has taken up and overplayed its seriousness for
revenue collection purposes.
I would love someone to justify just how raising the tax burden on us all is
going to stop what we know is happening. Why do "we" have to be the leaders
in taking up the challenge on carbon emissions? and have to pay through the
nose for the publicity.
I can never see the proposals working worldwide, until at least the forecast
disasters start to really hit home. (If they ever do!) But how much would it
have cost us as individuals by then?
When you hand money to charities like Cancer research or Oxfam the proceeds
go to helping the afflicted, but when the money goes to government it just
gets swallowed up fighting rediculous wars for which we have no involment
and many other wasteful causes.
If we are going to cut carbon emissions lets do it as a world and lets not
tax the hell out of one nation, because money will not stop it happening,
but will and commitment may make a difference.
"Steve J" wrote in message
Well boys and girls, what a hornets'nest last week's channel 4
programme stirred up!
As a teacher, I have to try and put both sides of an argument, and in
this debate this is difficult because all texts, even at A2 level
support the argument for AGW without ant dissent. However, TV
programmes like this, books like "State of Fear", some articles posted
on the internet and in newspapers have offered the chance to at least
attempt a balanced presentation.
However, as the various threads on this learned NG domonstrate, there
*ARE* some entrenched views, and some of us do get "hot under the
collar at times in our exasperation at an alternative view. I hold my
hat up to Gianna for some spirited points of view however, and there
should be more room to debate natural cycles of GW.
Too many are afraid to stick their head above the parapet because of
potential abuse from the 'other side'.
Anyway, some things are undeniable IMHO;
1. Global warming is a fact.
2. Greenhouse gases heat the atmosphere and preserve life on earth.
3. Man has burnt fossil fuels almost to exhaustion, so there are more
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere today.
4 The climate has been warmer than this many times in the geologic
5 Whether Man is responsible for GW or not, burning fossil fuels in
such profusion ia harmful and unsustainable.
6 The media have over-hyped the AGW scenarioa big time.
7 Governments are now driving energy policies into the 21st century
(like building more nuclear plants in the UK) to combat that overused
term 'climate change'.
8. Climate change is blamed for every "freak" natural atmospheric
hazard from flooding, to hurricanes, to heavy snowfall, to heatwaves,
to gales, to heavy rain, atcetera ad nauseam.
9. Global warming has forced us to implement energy conservation
measures and planning a sustainable future.
10. My last one, to give others a chance, neither side can yet offer
positive proof to the other that their arguments/
eveidence is incontravertible.
Personally, I'm getting sick to death of GW on TV and in the press,
but as an academic debate, this still has a lot of mileage in it just
Anyone else care to add to my 10 "undeniable points"?
Or will you take issue with my 10 points?
Steve Jackson
Bablake weather Station
Coventry UK