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Old March 13th 07, 10:03 PM posted to
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Default A sense of perspective on Global warming, hopefully!

On Mar 13, 7:16 pm, "Steve J" wrote:
Well boys and girls, what a hornets'nest last week's channel 4
programme stirred up!

As a teacher, I have to try and put both sides of an argument, and in
this debate this is difficult because all texts, even at A2 level
support the argument for AGW without ant dissent. However, TV
programmes like this, books like "State of Fear", some articles posted
on the internet and in newspapers have offered the chance to at least
attempt a balanced presentation.

However, as the various threads on this learned NG domonstrate, there
*ARE* some entrenched views, and some of us do get "hot under the
collar at times in our exasperation at an alternative view. I hold my

hat up to Gianna for some spirited points of view however, and there
should be more room to debate natural cycles of GW.
Too many are afraid to stick their head above the parapet because of
potential abuse from the 'other side'.

Anyway, some things are undeniable IMHO;

1. Global warming is a fact.
2. Greenhouse gases heat the atmosphere and preserve life on earth.
3. Man has burnt fossil fuels almost to exhaustion, so there are more
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere today.
4 The climate has been warmer than this many times in the geologic
5 Whether Man is responsible for GW or not, burning fossil fuels in
such profusion ia harmful and unsustainable.
6 The media have over-hyped the AGW scenarioa big time.
7 Governments are now driving energy policies into the 21st century
(like building more nuclear plants in the UK) to combat that overused
term 'climate change'.
8. Climate change is blamed for every "freak" natural atmospheric
hazard from flooding, to hurricanes, to heavy snowfall, to heatwaves,
to gales, to heavy rain, atcetera ad nauseam.
9. Global warming has forced us to implement energy conservation
measures and planning a sustainable future.
10. My last one, to give others a chance, neither side can yet offer
positive proof to the other that their arguments/
eveidence is incontravertible.

Personally, I'm getting sick to death of GW on TV and in the press,
but as an academic debate, this still has a lot of mileage in it just

Anyone else care to add to my 10 "undeniable points"?

Or will you take issue with my 10 points?

Steve Jackson
Bablake weather Station

I believe that a point that was undersold in the documentary and
always left out here in this NG, is that of dishonesty. Let me
explain: Politicians and especially this present mob in power are
always looking for way to increase revenues in surreptitious ways,
we've had it with all aspects of health and safety in the last decade
and we are certainly going to get it via the slogan "saving the

It's not solely the domain of this government, the left in general and
I have to say this although it will cause many here to cringe, it's
purely the domain of the white Marxist middle classes who have seized
the GW banner as a way to vent their spleens in a orgiastic frenzy of
self-loathing against capitalism and of course the first capitalist
country England, the biggest capitalist country the USA and of course
their perceived stooges in the middle east-Israel. Just witness the
idiotic ranting of that creep Ken Livingstone on the subject of GW; he
has constantly attacked GW Bush and the American so called greedy life-
style of cheap oil consumption , and then the chiselling little
hypocrite boast he's done a cheap oil deal with Venezuela.

I noted that the ex editor of New Scientist Nigel Calder touched upon
this in the documentary. Since the neutering of the trade unions in
the 80's, the left like fleas who lived on the coats of the TUC
finally had to find a new host as the unions became moribund
organisations; this they found in Politics, Media (BBC)local politics,
local government, teaching and self-interest minority pressure group
and bloated egotistical rock artist. Yet all that hatred of capitalism
and their own perceived colonial, imperialist past is now vented in
the Global Warming bandwagon and how they vent it? From George
Monbidiot to that other idiot Bono who by the way is an avid Al the
goracle Gore fan. Bono by the way who hates world debt and thinks we
should all give more to bank accounts in Switzerland via Africa, has
just upped and left Ireland now that the very generous tax laws which
once made it a haven for the globally caring U2 have now been
overturned and the rich have to pay more (greedy fecking *******s)

Look I'm going on as usual, suffice to say that unprincipled
government is using GW as a stealth/guilt tax raising exercise. In
addition the Marxists have got in on the act, and you can never trust
that lot they are incapable of telling the truth. This is a primary
reason for the whole scenario becoming over-hyped. I'm willing to bet
that Sir David King is an old South African lefty-hence the knighthood
and position of chief scientific advisor. What better way to sow the
seeds of coming taxation.

Good article on the shenanigans and censorship of King here