On Mar 14, 9:27 pm, "Colin Youngs"
Meteosat 8 satellite picture from Ferdinand Valk's site at 12.00 UTC
on Wednesday 14th Marchhttp://www.fvalk.com/images/Day_image/METEOSAT-8-1200-EUR.jpg
NOAA 18 VIS satellite picture from Bernard Burton's site at 12.41 UTC
on Wednesday 14th Marchhttp://www.woksat.info/etcpc14/pc14-1241-b-uk.html
Meteosat MSG-1 satellite picture from Bernard Burton's site at 12.00
UTC on Wednesday 14th Marchhttp://www.woksat.info/etcpc14m/pc14-msg-1200-uk.html
Frontal cloud over Ireland, Scotland and the far north of England.
Well-broken convective cloud over the rest of Britain. Belgium still
mostly clear except near the coast and in the extreme SE.
UK min. temps on Tuesday night http://tinyurl.com/2eht8z
Topcliffe -0.4°C, Charlwood -0.5°C, Hereford and Pershore -0.6°C,
Eskdalemuir -0.7°C, Bournemouth -0.8°C, Benson and Farnborough
-0.9°C, Shawbury and Shobdon -1.1°C.
OGIMET synops summary http://tinyurl.com/24cb4n
Rainfall radar http://www.meteox.com/h.aspx?r=&soort=loop24uur&URL
or http://www.meteogroup.co.uk/index.php?id=2755
Some outbreaks of rain cross the north of Scotland on Tuesday night
and Wednesday.
Location of some UK stations http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/education/data/uk_map.html
Wednesday morning, light mists in SoT, thicker toward Shrewsbury and
some aerial stuff. Very pretty. The mist was a fog around Church
Stretton - a small town between Shrewsbury and Ludlow.