On Mar 15, 4:31 pm, Stewart Robert Hinsley
In message .com,
On Mar 13, 11:33 pm, Stewart Robert Hinsley
In message . com,
In addition the Marxists have got in on the act, and you can never
trust that lot they are incapable of telling the truth. This is a
primary reason for the whole scenario becoming over-hyped.
Among the comments I've seen made about the programme is one alleging
that the director of the program is a Marxist.
Stewart Robert Hinsley
Good point but that is the exception to the rule. There is a whole
gamut of Marxist groups in the UK and some are far more radical than
others. Durkin's lot the RCP, really see that those Marxist that are
prepared to work within capitalist democracy as revisionist! They all
though have one common denominator that being they are primarily the
domain of the middle-classes and generally white.
It is odd however that the Revolutionary Communist Party is supportive
of the USA in around about way. It would seem that Durkin's angle is
this: he feels that the developing third world countries will be
doomed to further poverty with rising fossil fuel costs and carbon
restrictions-and he is right. However the majority of the left are all
avid environmentalist who are only too willing to blame the USA ,
England and the west in general, not forgetting Israel which although
middle east is really seen as the west.
Perhaps Marxists have changed their spots, but Marxist governments have
a dreadful record on environmental responsibility. Even now the Chinese
government doesn't have a good reputation on these issues - I'd put them
on the reserve bench for the axis of (climatic) evil. (Perhaps you'll
now proceed to deny that they're Marxists.)
You are repeating a strawman from an earlier post of yours; we don't
have to use energy wastefully, we don't have to use particular sources
of energy to the exclusion of all others, and we don't have to release
the products of fossil fuel burning into the environment. Taking action
to remediate the effect of anthropogenic global warming will cost the
3rd world less than living with the costs - many of them exported from
the 1st world - of business as usual.
You know the Secretary for state for the environment David Milliband
is the son of the late Marxist Theoretician Ralph Milliband.
If you'll pardon me satirising your position here, guilt by association
is the tactic of Marxists and Fascists.
So I really do believe my post still stands.
Your post never stood in the first place; even if you hadn't shot
yourself in the foot by unintentionally (?) claiming the director of the
program was incapable of telling the truth, argumentum ad hominem is a
Stewart Robert Hinsley
The left in the delevoped capitalist countries are very diferent from
the communist of the old Soviet Union and China. The communist party
of Great Britain although have a small working class element were
predominantly ranked by the intellectual middle-classes. These people
although meaning well developed a poloitical raionale for not telling
the truth. This backed by the self loathing af England and it's
colonial and imperialist past has led to a totally different communist
left. That's why the environment whether you like it or not, has
became a focal point for further self loathing. Post war as stalin
killed further millions as did Chairman Mao the left got themselves in
a total tizzy tyring to reconcile the cruel capitalist west against
the virtuous workers states of Russia and China, blimey even now they
excuse the human rights abuses in Cuba. The left in their self hatred
have even adopted a backward archaic religion called islam to further
their spoilt petulant foot stomping. That's why the GW debate is so
biased. It's an increasing perception that the BBC consist of these
white middle class marxist and a motely collection of bitter, twisted,
self interest groups.
As for "If you'll pardon me satirising your position here, guilt by
association is the tactic of Marxists and Fascists." I believe the
trotskyists use to call that sophistry.