Goverment rubbish collection fears
In article , dated Sat, 17 Mar
2007, Will Hand wrote
wrote in message
Well GW claims another victim; the weekly bin collection. Apparently
an increase in the rat and fly population is necessary to fight GW.
What ever next, only flushing our toilets once a week. Is that what Al
Gore calls an "inconvenience truth" ?
Whats the problem.
We have two bins one for "green" stuff and the rest for plastics and other
rubbish etc. We also have separate containers for glass, cans and paper,
cardboard goes in green re-cyclable bin. Both are collected every alternate two
weeks. We have no problems with smells, rats, flies or anything else. Perhaps
it's different in the crowded streets of London? The issue Lawrence is the
re-cycling targets imposed by Government - not GW.
speaking from the crowded streets of London, not a million miles from
Lawrence, as it happens (if this is the same Lawrence of sunny
Sydenham?), Lewisham is so inconsistent on recycling that it would be
quite difficult even for this two-person household to get by on a
fortnightly collection. There is a green box/wheely bin for paper,
glass and some plastics, but everything else has to go into the black
bin, including garden waste (we don't have room for a compost heap).
This is inconsistent because Lewisham also run a fantastically good
recycling centre at New Cross, where you can take anything - in your
car... If they actually collected all the stuff they can recycle at the
centre, we'd be laughing. But they don't.
Kate B
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