Goverment rubbish collection fears
in 222186 20070317 104432 Kate Brown wrote:
speaking from the crowded streets of London, not a million miles from
Lawrence, as it happens (if this is the same Lawrence of sunny
Sydenham?), Lewisham is so inconsistent on recycling that it would be
quite difficult even for this two-person household to get by on a
fortnightly collection. There is a green box/wheely bin for paper,
glass and some plastics, but everything else has to go into the black
bin, including garden waste (we don't have room for a compost heap).
This is inconsistent because Lewisham also run a fantastically good
recycling centre at New Cross, where you can take anything - in your
car... If they actually collected all the stuff they can recycle at the
centre, we'd be laughing. But they don't.
It's time for a bit of consistency - no two councils seem to be taking the
same approach.
We have two bins (alternate weely collections) : the green bin is for paper,
plastic and cans, the black bin is for "non-recyclables". Glass has to be taken
to a collection point one mile away in one direction (the bins there are always
full) and garden refuse has to be taken to an amenity tip the same distance
away but in the opposite direction.
People less than a mile away (different council) can put garden refuse in the
black bin but cannot put cans in the green bin.