On 17 Mar, 01:47, Jonathan Stott wrote:
Well GW claims another victim; the weekly bin collection. Apparently
an increase in the rat and fly population is necessary to fight GW.
What ever next, only flushing our toilets once a week. Is that what Al
Gore *calls an "inconvenience truth" ?
We have had bi-weekly collections here for about 4 years. No rats or
flies (unless you forget to put your rubbish out which quite a few
student houses seem to end up doing).
Jonathan Stott
Canterbury Weather:http://www.canterburyweather.co.uk/
Reverse my e-mail address to reply by e-mail
Ah yes, but what if your council does not provide bins, just plastic
bags specially designed to be ripped to pieces by whatever wildlife
passes? More and more taxes for fewer and fewer sevices.
Steve R.