17/03/2007 17:28:39
Will Hand wrote in message
"Dave Wheeler" wrote in message
17/03/2007 14:04:42
BlueLightning wrote in message
In addition:
The Shipping Forecast has 'Hurricane Force 12' for a number of
It's going to be a wild night, in the north
The general synopsis at 0600
Explosively deepening low south of Iceland 993 expected Viking
0600 tomorrow
Interesting lack of postings to this thread! Wonder why,
the possible/probable disruption (and "the potential to cause
to life" in northeast Scotland)?
I hear that the supermarkets in Lerwick are extremely busy today
folk stock up with essenrial supplies! Me? I've just been outside
the pouring rain tying down, weighing down anything I think might
take flight during the night. I don't want a metal sheep feeding
trough coming through the window like an Exocet!
Dave. Fair Isle
Is Fair Isle anywhere near London :-)
Seriously take care Dave it *does* look horrific. I know you're
used to it but
severe weather can still catch you out (as I found out in the rain
the other
day). I remember seeing a stone wall demolished in Shetland in 1980,
I didn't
believe it when a local told me that they had had a "bit of a blow"
"Surely it was a severe gale" I asked? He then replied with
something like that
if it had been a proper (Shetland) gale then the wall (which was
unstable) would
have been in the kitchen - I was gobsmacked.
Will (Haytor, Devon, 310m asl, light airs - force 5-6)
I have to say that it is looking as bad as I can remember! While it
looks possibile that Shetland may have a respite as the centre tracks
east, I may just be that bit to far south and - along with Orkney -
catch the full strngth as it passes by to the north.
While II don't like nighttime storms - you can't see what's happening
- it may be a blessing as most people will (should) be at home. Doubt
that I'll get much sleep though because of the noise!
I'm unlikely to be able to continue uploading my Davis info overnight
as we'll be shutting down the windturbines later in the evening, and
the diesel genny is programed to shut down at 2330. My
battery/inverter system will keep the met equipment powered but my
computers put too much of a load on the system and run down the
batteries. But all the info should be here Sunday morning -
Dave. Fair Isle