[OBS] Romsey - Monday 19th March 2007
SYNOP 19/1050Z
03/// 41459 63515 10037 20008 49985 52035 78782 85832
333 81712 84820 91027 90710 91127 93204=
SYNOP 19/1350Z
03/// 41560 73416 10044 21001 40010 52025 78781 85962
333 81925 85835 85070 91026 90710 91132 93203=
SYNOP 19/1750Z
03/// 11458 50210 10059 20004 40025 53015 6///2 71781
83963 333 10080 81815 82925 84072 90710 91130 93213=
03/// 41560 73412 10042 21003 40035 53025 79381 879//
333 83922 86640 91026 90710 91126=
EG// 191850Z 34012G26KT 9999 -SHGS SCT022CB BKN050
04/M00 Q//// RETS WHT=
wind... NNW, force 4.
visibility... 10km.
weather... slight shower of rain and snow pellets (recent thunder).
clouds... 3/8 CB cap base 2200ft, 6/8 SC base 5000ft.
dry bulb... +4.2C.
dewpoint... -0.3C.
RH... 72%.
sea level pressure... 1003.5mb (rising more quickly).
rainfall last hour... trace.
rainfall since 0900Z... 1.2mm (hail melted in gauge but some
white bits remain on the grass).
RMK... no snowflakes or sleet observed in Romsey so far today.
beaufort letters (1750-1850Z)... bctlo,bc,cphoro.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)