On Mar 21, 9:41 pm, John Hall wrote:
In article .com,
I posted rather quickly as I had work to do, so I quickly looked up a
few facts-maybe I misinterpreted them.
Are they wrong ?
I think the "idiotica" in the site's name might be a clue.
If that
didn't register, then the value they quote for Mars' distance from the
Sun might have alerted you.
John Hall
"I am not young enough to know everything."
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
Okay okay I conceed. I thhought it was odd with the gravity figure.
Here's an edited version: I hope you are all satisfied.
Recent evidence of parallel warming on Mars
This is refuted by the IPCC who claim that any warming on Mars is due
to AGMW-and here's proof.
Known as the "Cydonian Tractors" These beast normally used for the
"school run" are an environmental hazard especially as the Martian
year is just over 687 Earth Days-that means bloody long term times.
Another factor to take into consideration is the Martian gravity which
is a third of earth's meaning that those shopping trips to
Waitrose really take it out on the fuel consumption as you have to
accelerate downhill -thus conrtibuting
further Co2.
Finally as the conditions are so arid on Mars, those Carbon Footprints
can last a very long time.